6 pm – 9 pm
No class April 18

Landscape Elements Painting Course
with Yulia Tsinko
Join Yulia Tsinko for a unique, intensive 4-session multi-media painting workshop. Beginning Thursday, April 4 and continuing to Thursday, May 2.
Drawing from both her natural sciences and painting background, Yulia will guide you through the main elements of a successful landscape painting. Participants will investigate, in detail, skies and clouds, trees and foliage, water and reflections, and atmospheric perspective. During the course, Yulia will focus on composition, sketching for painting, and how to bring every element together for luscious details in your landscape painting. Special attention will be given to colour gradations, values, and mark-making corresponding to each landscape element. Yulia will demonstration these techniques and elements in a variety of mediums including: oil, acrylic, and watercolor, depending on participants’ preferences.
Whether you are a seasoned artist looking to expand on your knowledge or a complete beginner, you’ll be right at home. You will walk away with new found skills and understanding of the natural world.