6 pm – 8 pm

HOLBEIN, Legion Paper, General Pencil | WaterMedia + Coloured Pencil Workshop
with Nadine Johnson
This Holbein + Legion Brand Ambassador Workshop is a branded workshop for artists of all levels and experience from beginner to professional.
This Holbein, Legion Paper, & General Pencil Brand Ambassador Workshop is a hands-on workshop for artists. Along with the instructor, these guided workshops are a learning experience where attendees have the opportunity to experiment with and learn about many different materials. This WaterMedia & Coloured Pencil Workshop will focus on Holbein Watercolour, Gouache, Acrylic Gouache, and Watercolour Mediums, as well as Legion’s Stonehenge Aqua and Yupo papers, an assortment of General Pencil materials, and Holbein Coloured Pencils.
At the end of the workshop, you will receive a $10 voucher for Holbein, Legion, and General Pencil Products at Kensington Art Supply