6 pm – 8 pm

GOLDEN Acrylics A-Z
with Samantha Williams-Chapelsky
This lecture packs in a ton of valuable information about GOLDEN acrylics, guiding listeners through the basics while opening up new possibilities.
You will gain information about mineral and modern pigments and how this relates to clean colour mixing, glazing and the creation of fabulous new colours. Learn the unique properties of GOLDEN Fluids, Heavy Body, OPEN and High Flow Acrylics. Discover Interference and Iridescent paints for unusual effects. Get a comprehensive overview on the many Gels and Mediums and how they can change texture, saturation and intensity of colour, how they can be used for sculptural effects and more! The lecture includes a review of GOLDEN Grounds that create truly contemporary surfaces for painting, drawing, pastel, digital printing and mixed media.
The lecture includes an array of examples of these materials put to use. Attendees will leave the lecture enthusiastic to explore the extensive potential of acrylic painting! This event also includes a brief introduction to GOLDEN’s non-acrylic products such as Williamsburg Artist Oil Colors and QoR Artist Watercolour.