Saturday + Sunday
9:00 am – 4:00 pm

Capturing Personality in Pastel
with Jane Romanishko
Join Jane Romanishko in this exciting workshop: Capturing Personality in Pastel! This workshop is designed for strong beginners or students who want to improve their pastel and portraiture skills.
This easy going and informative 2-day workshop will teach you all the steps and techniques of painting a character portrait in pastel from reference materials. Jane will discuss the basic structure of the head and the features of the face while providing many tips on how to achieve likeness in your portraiture. The first day will include charcoal and drawing exercises.
The second day you will dive into painting a character from reference. Jane will discuss good design, colour temperature and accurate drawing. Jane will demonstrate the principals of portraiture, which are applicable on any subject matter. Using important foundations of painting, such as composition, value, pattern, colour, texture, and edges, Jane will teach you how to bring your references to life!