Much of the incomparable, world-wide reputation that Holbein enjoys is due to the exceptional quality of their Artist Watercolor. Originally introduced in the early 1920’s and now available in 108 highly concentrated colors, Holbein Artist Watercolor is a European style transparent watercolor which preserves the brush handling qualities inherent in Japanese watercolor techniques.
More finely ground than any other artist watercolor, Holbein Artist Watercolor is produced without ox-gall, an animal by-product. This affords the user greater control in the dispersal of their pigments, enhances handling qualities and delivers color of unequaled intensity, purity and reliability for brilliant transparent washes and/or powerful, clean darks.
Holbein Artist Watercolor is available in two formats, in tubes (5 ml and 15 ml) or in a limited range of half pans. Holbein Artist Watercolor is specifically designed to rewet instantly and not deteriorate in the tube, pan or palette.
Holbein Artist Watercolor is the standard by which all others are measured against.
89 brilliant opaque colors in 15ml tubes.
Holbein Artists’ Gouache is more finely ground than other competing products. No whitening agents are added to Holbein Designer Gouache to increase opacity.
Holbein Artists’ Gouache will always give consistent reliable results without “milking out”, darkening or muddiness.
109 highly pigmented colors in 20ml & 40ml tubes. Holbein Acrylic Gouache moves, reacts, blends and feels like traditional gum arabic gouache. Holbein Acrylic Gouache is water resistance once dry.
Drying to a velvet matte finish; Holbein Acrylic Gouache does not shift in color tone from liquid to dry color. What you see wet is what you get once dry.
Holbein Acrylic Gouache does not have the same fragile surface as traditional gouache in gum arabic and is compatible with all other water soluble media regardless of origin.
An ideal medium for artists, illustrators, hobbyist and carvers alike.
Gum Arabic Paste
Holbein Gum Arabic Paste results in an impasto effect when mixed with watercolors. Available in a 15ml tube.
Multi Sizing Liquid
Artist grade sizing liquid used to reduce the absorbency of paper. Dilute it with warm water and apply it with a broad brush. Available in 60ml squeeze bottle.
Gum Arabic Medium
An Artist grade medium which will, when mixed with watercolors, enhance gloss and transparency. Mixing with opaque colors, like gouache and posters colors, will also increase their transparency. Available in 60ml squeeze bottle.
Watercolor Medium
When mixed with watercolors, Holbein Watercolor Medium facilitates fine line and stroke development by improving flow. Available in 60ml squeeze bottle.
Iridescent Medium
This artist-grade medium is designed to facilitate iridescent (pearlescent) effects when used with water based media including watercolor, acrylic, gouache and acrylic gouache. Available in 60ml Squeeze bottle.
Ox Gall
Holbein Ox Gall Medium is an artist-grade wetting agent that improves flow and enhances wet-into-wet techniques when mixed with watercolors. It also improves the acceptance of watercolor on paper, particularly hard-sized papers. Available in 60ml squeeze bottle.
Masking Fluid
Holbein Masking Fluid allows artists to mask highlight areas of their work and can also be used on painted surfaces. If masking liquid is too thick, thin with water or soapy water, and apply to paper surface with a brush or pen. Wait for mask to completely dry before applying paint. Once the paint is dry, remove Holbein Masking Fluid with a soft eraser or rubber pick up.